Episode 4 Around Vietnam
So, once again, the race was delayed because of football if you were watching the Eastern channels. Unfortunately for those with TiVo, that means that you probably missed the last half of the episode (unless you watch Cold Case, which comes on right after). My Turkey Night took a little longer than it normally would so I missed both the ET & PT times but I'm watching during the commercials of Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters, sorry.
It started out with the usual highlights from last week's episode along with a couple of updates on racers' health. Apparently, Rob had to be treated for heat exhaustion before he could continue on with the race. Is this going to be an ongoing thing with him? Hmm, maybe somebody should tell him to try a cooler head and see if that helps. Don't remember they'd done this before but was impressed that they started out with local currency rather than US dollars. Their clue directed them to "listen" for their clue at a specific street corner. The instructions were to take a taxi across the Red River to one location and then take a bus to another location and then look for Hydrofoil Harbour for their next clue.
The Beauty Queens were listening to the flowers in a planter on the street. "I hear a cricket, but I don't know what that means." The Cho brothers, who had left first, were in the thick of the pack because their cab driver got lost on the way to the corner. Some of the teams had the wisdom to get their cab driver to listen to the instructions, as well as writing them down. If I liked Rob & Kim, I'd say I was sorry to see that they had to change cabs twice but they were both so rude to the cab drivers that I think they got what they deserved. "I'm done talking with foreigners." (Rude Rob)
Once again, the bus station equalized everyone since it didn't open until 5am and everybody ended up on the same bus. The next clue was a RoadBlock. They had to take a motorboat across the bay & climb a 90ft sheer cliff before they got their next clue. There were 3 ropes and it was first come, first serve. Unfortunately for Sarah/Peter, Rob/Kimberly & Tyler/James, three boats passed them so they had to wait for their chance to try and complete it.
If I hear one more pep talk from Peter or one more "babe" or "baby" from Rob or Kimberly, I'm going to have to push them off a cliff. But, the beauty queens have to go. They're rude to both the locals and the other racers. I can't believe they jumped the line again! Oh well, she got a cut on her leg. Karma's a bitch!
Next they had to go to a cave located in another cove to get their Detour clue. Their choices were Over or Under. For both tasks, they had to take a junk to a specific anchor location and then row a traditional boat to their task. The wind on the water and the rowing of the boats proved too much for most of the teams. In Over, they had to pick up two bushels of bananas and then deliver them to two addresses in a floating village nearby. In Under, they had to pull up 30 oyster baskets and delivery them to a man at the pearl company.
Peter blew up at Sarah. Rob & Kimberly blew up at each other. One beauty queen blew up at the other for losing/shredding the clue. They were even dumb enough to not read their clue properly and tried to row to the next pit stop. They keep trying to break the blonde, beauty queen stereotypes but, so far, all they've done is support them.
But was geniunely touched by the support and mutual admiration that Tom & Terry showed each other. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to keep them in the race. They were eliminated and the couple-that-shouldn't-be-a-couple were first (Rude Rob & Catty Kim).
I noticed something tonight. All the teams that I would have normally rooted for (from past season experience) - the younger more fit teams - are the most annoying and the most deserving to go home. The only teams I want to see win at this point are Tyler & James or the Cho brothers. They respect each other (no yelling, no bitching, no tearing each other down). There's a minimal amount of whining from them, they just get the job done and they don't annoy me. But, I still don't have a team..... :(
Sorry for the lateness. I'll do better next week.
If you have TiVo all you do is set the show to tape a half hour or hour longer and then it does not matter what happens with football. So no more laments about missing the show!
Well, we have PVRs and DVRs and with all the football and baseball on TV times are being shifted - PLUS networks purposely offset shows to deter people from setting TiVo.
With digital cable on the west coast we can watch it 3 hours early (in eastern time) say, on the NY or Chicago network... then ALSO catch it at 8pm pacific time. THEN they also replay it... it's everywhere, you can't escape it :p
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